Sponsor the Big Cases Bot

The Big Cases Bot provides updates about historical cases to a growing audience of more than 55,000 attorneys, journalists, and court watchers.

Bot sponsorships are offered on an exclusive monthly basis for the price of $1,750.

When you sponsor the Bot, you get the following benefits:

  • Your name will be added as a sponsor to the Bot's profile on all social media platforms where the bot is available.

  • We will thank you for your sponsorship with a post like this one on all platforms. This post will be pinned on Twitter.

  • Document thumbnails shared by the bot during your sponsorship will be watermarked like this one to show they were contributed by you.

  • The posts from the bot receive around two million impressions per month, many of which will have your watermark.

Bot sponsorship is a great way to earn publicity for your organization. Your contribution supports Free Law Project, fights misinformation by providing ready access to primary legal materials, and adds important documents to the public commons for permanent preservation.

To sponsor the Bot, please get in touch and we'll go over the details.

Current sponsors

Past Sponsors

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